Sunday 31 August 2008

Media Representations

Who is being represented?
The Police - Keith Frazier (Denzel Washington), Bill Mitchell (Chiwetel Ejiofor), Captain Darius (William Dafoe)

The Bank Robbers - Dalton Russell (Clive Owen)

The Bank Director - Arthur Case (Christopher Plummer)

The Lawyer
-Madeleine White (Jodie Foster)

How are they being represented?
The police are shown as having not much control over the situation as they try to figure out the intentions of the bank robbers, while the bank robbers are very focused in their objectives inside the bank and to fool the police. The robbers also seem to have an understanding of police tactics as they make the hostages dress the same way as them so that the police snipers cannot take them out. The main robber Dalton Russell also seemingly beats a man viciously in order for the hostages to fear him so they obey him without question. Captain Darius is shown to have a more blunt, straightfoward way plan of dealing with the robbers - to raid the bank and shoot anyone who tries to resist; however Keith Frazier wants to understand the motives of the robbers as their actions don't portray them as the typical kind.

This representation of the robbers and police is a juxtaposition of real life. As the robbers would normally have the element of surprise; the large resources that the police have at their disposal. However, the mysterious motives and techniques of the robbers and the inquisitive nature of Keith Frazier along with the wildcard character, Madeleine White.