Title: How films of the thriller genre entertain and grasp their audience throughout a film.
Hypothesis: Thrillers use a multitude of dramatic devices to manipulate the audience into becoming attached to the plot and events the hero/heroine goes through. I will investigate how the film Inside Man (2006) directed by Spike Lee does this. Other thrillers, such as Lucky Number Slevin (2006) and Fight Club (1996) are also known for having seemingly simple plots but then reveal the complex links between previously mundane events.
The premise of the film is a bank robbery where the theives have taken hostages, this puts the police in the situation that they do not want any civilian casualities and therefore send Keith Frazier (Denzel Washington) to negoiate with the robbers. This creates a very tense situation for the police and also for the audience watching as they both have no idea what the robbers are planning.
Hypothesis: Thrillers use a multitude of dramatic devices to manipulate the audience into becoming attached to the plot and events the hero/heroine goes through. I will investigate how the film Inside Man (2006) directed by Spike Lee does this. Other thrillers, such as Lucky Number Slevin (2006) and Fight Club (1996) are also known for having seemingly simple plots but then reveal the complex links between previously mundane events.
The premise of the film is a bank robbery where the theives have taken hostages, this puts the police in the situation that they do not want any civilian casualities and therefore send Keith Frazier (Denzel Washington) to negoiate with the robbers. This creates a very tense situation for the police and also for the audience watching as they both have no idea what the robbers are planning.
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